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Custom Node Inspectors

Creating custom node inspectors is a great way to add custom functionality to your nodes. Custom node inspectors work exactly like building custom inspectors for Unity MonoBehaviours.


A custom inspector is a class that inherits from UnityEditor.Editor. This class is then attached to your Jungle Node script using the UnityEditor.CustomEditor attribute.

public class MyEditor : UnityEditor.Editor
// Editor code here

All editor classes should be placed between #if UNITY_EDITOR and #endif tags to ensure that the editor code is stripped from the build. If you do not do this, your build will fail.


Here's a manual by Unity on how to create custom inspectors in Unity:
Unity Custom Inspector Manual


Check out this Brackeys tutorial on how to create custom inspectors in Unity.


Jungle will automatically detect and implement your custom inspector into the Jungle Editor.

Custom inspectors are by no means required but can help boost your workflow and make your nodes more user-friendly. All built-in Jungle nodes have custom inspectors that make the nodes look cleaner and easier to use.

No custom inspector (Red) Vs. custom inspector (Green): Custom inspector applied vs not


Here's an example of a custom inspector for a node that inherits from GenericNode. This inspector displays a property field for the value property.

The #if UNITY_EDITOR tag ensures that the editor code is stripped from the build.

using Jungle;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;

public class MyNode : IdentityNode
private float value = 1f;

protected override void OnStart()

protected override void OnUpdate() { }

// Use the UNITY_EDITOR tag ensures that the editor code is stripped from the build
public class MyNodeEditor : UnityEditor.Editor
private SerializedProperty _value;

private void OnEnable()
_value = serializedObject.FindProperty("value");

public override void OnInspectorGUI()

