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Node Properties

Creating Nodes

Here's a video tutorial on creating all node variants in Jungle.

All Jungle Nodes require the class attribute NodeProperties to be defined. The NodeProperties attribute is used to define various properties of the node script you created.


TitlestringDefines the title of the node
DescriptionstringDocuments the purpose of the node (Also used as a tooltip)
CategorystringDefines the location in the node explorer to put this node
ColorstringDefines the accent color of the node (Is a hex code)
OptionsNodeOptionsFlags representing different options that can be applied to the node


The Title of the node is the name that will be displayed on the node in the Jungle Editor.

Title = "Hello World"
public class HelloWorldNode : IdentityNode

Node title property highlighted


The node title does not need to be unique.


The Description of the node should be a brief explanation of what the node does. The description is also used as a tooltip when you hover over the node in the Jungle Editor.

Description = "This is a description!"
public class HelloWorldNode : IdentityNode

Node description property highlighted


Node descriptions will also appear as tooltips when you hover over a node in the Jungle Editor.


The Category property defines the location in the node explorer to put the node.

Category = "Utility/General"
public class HelloWorldNode : IdentityNode


The Color property defines the node's accent color.

Color = JungleNode.Red
public class HelloWorldNode : IdentityNode


Color = "#dc1313"
public class HelloWorldNode : IdentityNode

Node color property highlighted

Since memorizing a bunch of hex codes is ridiculous, Jungle provides predefined colors that you can use. The predefined colors are constant strings that reside in the JungleNode class:

  • Red #dc1313
  • Orange #ff5b00
  • Yellow #f29e06
  • Green #38ca42
  • Teal #15deab
  • Cyan #00eaff
  • Blue #0069ff
  • Purple #b300ff
  • Pink #ff00ea
  • Violet #85034c
  • White #ffffff
  • Black #101010
// Will print "#dc1313" to the console


The Options property allows you to define specific behaviors for the node using flags from the NodeOptions enum.

  • RestartIfCalledWhileRunning: Restart the node if it is called while already running.
  • OnlyAllowOneInstancePerTree: Allow only one instance of the node per JungleTree.
  • HideInNodeExplorerAndConnectionLookup: Hide the node in the Node Explorer and Connection Lookup.
  • Deprecated: Marks the node as deprecated, hiding it from the Node Explorer and preventing new instances from being added to trees.
Title = "My Node",
Options = NodeOptions.RestartIfCalledWhileRunning | NodeOptions.Deprecated
public class MyNode : IdentityNode

In this example:

  • RestartIfCalledWhileRunning: The node will restart if called while already running.
  • Deprecated: The node will be hidden from the Node Explorer and Connection Lookup and cannot be added to trees.


Title = "My Node",
Description = "Your friendly neighborhood node.",
Category = "Nodes/My Node",
Color = JungleNode.Blue,
Options = NodeOptions.RestartIfCalledWhileRunning


Here's an example of how you could define the NodeProperties for two nodes that control a door in your game.

using Jungle;

Title = "Open Door",
Description = "Opens the inputted door.",
Category = "Game/Door",
Color = JungleNode.Green
public class OpenDoorNode : IONode<Door>
using Jungle;

Title = "Close Door",
Description = "Closes the inputted door.",
Category = "Game/Door",
Color = JungleNode.Red
public class CloseDoorNode : IONode<Door>