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Node Graph

The node graph is the section of the interface where you put your sequences together.

Using the Jungle Editor

Here's a video style guide on how to use the Jungle Editor. Watch this if you prefer to watch rather than read!

Adding Nodes

There are two methods for adding nodes to the graph:

  1. Node Explorer
  2. Connection Lookup

Via the Node Explorer

The Node Explorer is a comprehensive, organized list of every available node in your project. This feature allows you to easily browse through the different types of nodes and find the one you need.

Adding nodes via the node explorer

To add a node via the Node Explorer:

  • Scroll through the Node Explorer to find the node you want to add. You can also use the search bar at the top to quickly locate the desired node.
  • Click and hold on the node you wish to add. Drag it from the Node Explorer into the graph view.
  • Move the node to the desired position on the graph and release the mouse button.

Via the Connection Lookup

The Connection Lookup offers a curated list of nodes specifically compatible with the selected output port.

Adding nodes via the search menu

To add a node using the Connection Lookup:

  • Click and hold on the output port of an existing node where you'd like to connect a new node.
  • Drag the connection line to an empty spot on the graph view and release the mouse button. The Connection Lookup will appear, displaying only the nodes that can be connected to the selected output port.
  • Browse through the curated list of compatible nodes and select the one you wish to add. You can also use the search bar at the top of the Connection Lookup to quickly locate the desired node.
  • Once you select the node, it will be added to your graph and automatically connected to the output port you initially clicked on.

Selecting Nodes

There are two method for selecting nodes in the graph:

Selecting With Cursor

To select a node, simply click on it. To add multiple nodes to your selection, hold the Ctrl key while clicking on each additional node.

Selecting nodes with the cursor

Drawing a Selection Box

This method allows you to select multiple nodes simultaneously by enclosing them within a drawn box.

Draw a box selection

  • Left-click and hold.
  • Drag the cursor to create a selection box around the nodes you wish to select.
  • Release the mouse button to complete the selection.
Append Box Selection

You can append your selection by holding the Ctrl key while drawing a selection box.

Connecting Nodes

To connect a node to another:

  • Left-click and hold on the port of a node.
  • Drag the connection line to the port of another node.
  • Release the connection line to create the connection.

Connecting nodes in the graph

This process links the nodes together, forming a sequence that dictates the flow and logic of your tree.

  • Connections can only be made between ports of the same type.
  • You must connect output ports to input ports, and vice versa.

Shortcuts & Controls


ActionShortcutContext Menu
Select AllCtrl + ARight Click > Select All
CopyCtrl + CRight Click > Copy
PasteCtrl + VRight Click > Paste
DuplicateCtrl + DRight Click > Duplicate
DeleteDelRight Click > Delete
Frame AllAN/a
Frame OriginORight Click > Recenter View
Frame Next]N/a
Frame Previous[N/a


Pan GraphMiddle Mouse
Zoom GraphScroll Wheel
Selection BoxLeft Click + Drag

If you're on a laptop/tablet, you can pan the graph by holding Alt and dragging with your trackpad, stylus, or finger.